Results for 'Sung Un Huh'

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  1.  40
    Pathogen perception by NLRs in plants and animals: Parallel worlds.Zane Duxbury, Yan Ma, Oliver J. Furzer, Sung Un Huh, Volkan Cevik, Jonathan D. G. Jones & Panagiotis F. Sarris - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (8):769-781.
    Intracellular NLR (Nucleotide‐binding domain and Leucine‐rich Repeat‐containing) receptors are sensitive monitors that detect pathogen invasion of both plant and animal cells. NLRs confer recognition of diverse molecules associated with pathogen invasion. NLRs must exhibit strict intramolecular controls to avoid harmful ectopic activation in the absence of pathogens. Recent discoveries have elucidated the assembly and structure of oligomeric NLR signalling complexes in animals, and provided insights into how these complexes act as scaffolds for signal transduction. In plants, recent advances have provided (...)
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    The philosophy of history in the "later" Nishida: A philosophic turn.Woo-Sung Huh - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (3):343-374.
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    A Korean-English Dictionary.John C. Jamieson, Samuel E. Martin, Yang Ha Lee & Sung-un Chang - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):395.
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    Empires en conflit : le bouddhisme selon Manhae.Woo-Sung Huh & Brigitte Rollet - 2016 - Diogène 4:35-48.
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  5. (1 other version)Thinking and Perceiving: Nishida and Park as Embodied Subjects?Woo-Sung Huh - 2009 - In Lam Wing Keung & Cheung Ching Yuen, Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 4: Facing the 21st Century. Nanzan Institute for Religion & Culture. pp. 264-€“292.
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  6. A Critical Exposition of Nishida's Philosophy.Woo-Sung Huh - 1988 - Dissertation, University of Hawai'i
    Nishida in his writings pursued two main lines of thought, which are almost equally pervasive and persistent. These are the philosophy of self-consciousness, which is mainly religious and soteriological, and the philosophy of history-politics, which is fundamentally historical and political. Both philosophies are essentially ontologies, by virtue of the application of ontological operators. These operators function in almost every phase of Nishida's philosophy, with the notable exception of his discussion of the sciences, and in the main include activity, self-determination, actuality, (...)
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    Confronting Empires: Manhae’s Understanding of Buddhism.Huh Woosung - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (2):81-91.
    This paper outlines some key ideas of the twentieth-century Buddhist monk Han Yong-un, or Manhae. It focuses in particular on Manhae’s social engagement under the Japanese occupation. It underlines...
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    Evaluations of Sung Dynasty Painters of Renown: Liu Taoch'un's Sung-ch'ao ming-hua p'ing.Susan Bush, Liu Taoch'un & Charles Lachman - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):111.
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    Nichtstun ist keine Lösung: politische Verantwortung in Zeiten des Umbruchs.Hilal Sezgin - 2017 - Köln: DuMont.
    Es ist für uns alltäglich geworden: Bilder von in Syrien ermordeten oder im Mittelmeer ertrunkenen Kindern, Aufmärsche von Rechtspopulisten, Billigkleidung aus den Händen unterbezahlter Näherinnen. Oft spüren wir den Wunsch, einfach nicht hinzuschauen, abzuschalten. Wir tragen dieses betretene Gefühl mit uns herum, und tun oft... nichts. Weil wir glauben, die Diskussionen lohnen doch nicht. Aber auch weil wir wissen, dass wir anecken und als Weltverbesserer verunglimpft werden. Wer kritisiert und sich engagiert, gilt schnell als naiv. Es gibt viele Stimmen, die (...)
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    Lucilius contre Amphion (Sat. I 1) : Un témoignage de Pacuvius ?Juan Luis López-Cruces - 2020 - Hermes 148 (4):481-491.
    Proceeding from the premise that Lucilius’ hexameter Aetheris et terrae genitabile quaerere tempus (fr. 1 Marx - I 1 Charpin) was inspired by Euripides fr. 182a Kannicht (Αἰθέρα καὶ Γαῖαν πάντων γενέτειραν ἀείδω), sung by Amphion the musician in Antiope, the author advances two further propositions about the fragment: first, that Lucilius, influenced by the famous debate in that play between Amphion and his brother, associated satire with the active life and the genres of didactic poetry and tragedy with (...)
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    Nishida and the Historical World: An Examination of Active Intuition, the Body, and Time.Elizabeth McManaman Grosz - 2014 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 6 (2):143-157.
    This article will examine the phase of Nishida’s thought in which he turns to the historical world and present the benefits of this turn to his overall philosophical project. In “The Philosophy of History in the ‘Later’ Nishida,” Woo-Sung Huh claims that Nishida Kitaro’s attempt to integrate history into his earlier writings on self-consciousness is a “wrong turn.” I will demonstrate how Huh’s criticism of Nishida’s writings on history stems from Huh’s own ontological assumption that consciousness and the historical (...)
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  12.  4
    Gut - besser - Gott: moralische Grundbegriffe.Peter Schallenberg - 2021 - Paderborn: Bonifatius.
    Der zentrale Satz des christlichen Glaubens scheint schon lange wie ein leerer Allgemeinplatz, der seine Bedeutung für unser modernes Selbstverständnis verloren hat: Gott ist die Liebe und als Liebe offenbart er sich uns in Jesus von Nazareth. Gerade angesichts dieser augenscheinlichen Belanglosigkeit lohnt es sich jedoch, eine entscheidende Frage zu stellen: Was könnte es für den Menschen bedeuten, wenn dieser kurze Satz tatsächlich wahr wäre? Wahr nicht im Sinne messbarer Daten, sondern viel grundlegender: Wahr in Hinsicht auf mein Handeln, wahr (...)
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  13.  8
    Dialogue avec Hubert Mono Ndjana: sur la politique, la science et la société.Hubert Mono Ndjana - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Philippe Nguemeta.
    Les Presses universitaires de France ont publié, en 1994, une Encyclopédie universelle de philosophie, dans laquelle Hubert Mono Ndjana est présenté comme un spécialiste de la pensée des hommes politiques. Il avait en effet traduit en français Obiang Nguema Mbasogo en 1980 (Un Pari pour la liberté), publié un ouvrage en 1985 sur le chef d'Etat de son pays (L'Idée sociale chez Paul Biya), et deux autres sur la pensée et le pays de Kim Il Sung (Révolution et création (...)
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    “Estaré siempre en boca de todos los helenos ”: Troya en libro 9 de Antología Palatina.Elbia Haydée Difabio - 2014 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 18 (1):1-17.
    En los poemas declamatorios y descriptivos que reúne AP 9, un motivo de inspiración es la destrucción de Troya, la cantada por Homero, y se relaciona el enclave minorasiático con Micenas o con Roma y con situaciones críticas como la animadversión de los dioses, el colapso de la ciudad y los avatares de sus protagonistas. Esta investigación exploratorio-analítica pretende comprobar en trece textos escogidos qué causas, consecuencias y episodios vinculados con dicho conflicto bélico son centrales y coincidentes -entre otras razones, (...)
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    Confucianesimo e Sciamanesimo nel medio periodo Koryŏ: dinamiche di uno scontro.Marco Campa - 2024 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 7 (2):23-51.
    In questo articolo si analizza la situazione della religione nativa popolare coreana, comunemente descritta col termine ombrello di “sciamanesimo”, durante la metà e la seconda parte del periodo Koryŏ. Lo studio tenta di espandere e correggere alcune assunzioni di base del lavoro di Lee Seog-Ju (2010), il quale ha descritto la dialettica esistente tra l’élite confuciana, la casa reale, il buddismo e lo sciamanesimo in epoca Koryŏ, correggendo come detto alcuni assunti storici dell’autore. Nello specifico si terrà conto de: la (...)
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    A 'Pedagogia do Ser e Fazer' em Os Trabalhos e os Dias.José Joaquim Pereira Melo - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1273-1301.
    Resumo: A proposta é analisar a concepção de trabalho de Hesíodo em Os Trabalhos e Os Dias e abordar os referenciais de sua relação entre trabalho, virtude e justiça. A fonte é: Os Trabalhos e Os Dias e análise contemporânea de sua obra, já consagrada. Entende-se que as necessidades materiais, comuns e aceitas no mundo rural de então, motivaram-no a defender o trabalho como meio de transformação social e de superação do contexto desolador em que vivia o camponês. Seu interlocutor (...)
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    The religious phenomenon of Juche ideology as a political tool.Fransiskus I. Widjaja, Noh I. Boiliu, Irfan F. Simanjuntak, Joni M. P. Gultom & Fredy Simanjuntak - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-7.
    This study aims to determine the motive that led to the establishment of Juche by Kim Il Sung amidst the influence of communism and its transformation into religion in North Korea. North Korea is a communist country dictated by Kim Jong-Un of the Kim dynasty and known for its cruelty. The country underwent several changes from Marxism-Leninism to familism to determine its strength in Juche. This ideology that acts as a religion was influenced and strengthened Kim Jong Il to (...)
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  18.  11
    Der Sprung in die Sprache oder Denken-als-ob.Beatrice Sasha Kobow - 2019 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Der Teppich der Kultur und Sprache, der Praxen und Normen, der Ideen, Geschichte und Wissenschaften, der den Hintergrund unserer Gegenwart bildet, ist an vielen Stellen zerschlissen und in einem Zustand der Auflösung begriffen. Unser ganzes Handeln ist darauf gerichtet, diesen Teppich zu restaurieren. Vor welchem Hintergrund ist Handeln uns möglich und wie ist dieser Handlungshintergrund offen für unsere handelnde Einflussnahme? Dieses Buch untersucht Als-ob-Strukturen nach Hans Vaihinger und fügt sie ein in die Rekonstruktion gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeit nach John R. Searle, denn (...)
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  19.  50
    Mandala as telematic design.Jung A. Huh - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (1):19-30.
    This study starts from the premise that mandala is a design of the Cosmos and consciousness. mandala is a contracted and systematically designed cosmic space and represents high-level spirituality at the same time. The work of designing mandala is an experience with a sacred world as itself and constitutes a process of self-discipline. In other words, mandala is to ritualize the world of Buddhism beyond a design context and visualize religious experience through a specific object. Therefore, it serves as a (...)
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  20. Chung-hua sheng hsüeh chʻien shuo.Sung-Nien Mao - 1979
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    Reconciling Constitutionalism with Power: Towards a Constitutional Nomos of Political Ordering.K. U. O. Ming-Sung - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (3):390-410.
    Drawing upon Hannah Arendt's and Carl Schmitt's theories on the relationship between nomos and boundary, this paper revisits how constitutionalism and political power are reconciled as constitutional ordering. It first analyzes constitutionalism in the light of political modernity. Indicating that political power grounded by constitutions is omnipotent, complementing and completing constitutionalism, the paper contends that an omnipotent constitutional ordering is anything but an unleashed Leviathan. It is argued that constitutional omnipotence is framed and thus constrained by a constitutional nomos, the (...)
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  22.  22
    Ethical Virtues of Global/Multicultural Society, based on Analogy with City Life.Huh Ra Keum - 2012 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 17 (null):5-34.
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    Validation of a Korean version of the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire.Sung-Suk Han, Juhu Kim, Yong-Soon Kim & Sunghee Ahn - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (1):99-105.
    The main purpose of this study was to validate a scale to examine the moral sensitivity of Korean nurses. A pre-existing scale, the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire (MSQ), developed by Lützén, was used after deletion of three items. The reliability and validity of the scale were examined by using Cronbach’s alpha and factor analysis, respectively. According to the results, reliability of the scale was adequate but its construct validity was not fully supported. Through discussion on evidence of validity, five subconstructs emerged. (...)
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    The Optimal Speed for Cortical Activation of Passive Wrist Movements Performed by a Rehabilitation Robot: A Functional NIRS Study.Sung Jin Bae, Sung Ho Jang, Jeong Pyo Seo & Pyung Hun Chang - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  25.  49
    An Analysis and Evaluation of Student Nurses' Participation in Ethical Decision Making.Sung-Suk Han & Sung-Hee Ahn - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (2):113-123.
    This study analyses the types and frequencies of ethical dilemmas and the rationale of ethical decision making in student nurses; it also evaluates their decision making. One hundred senior student nurses who were enrolled in a two-credit course in nursing ethics were asked to provide an informal description of a dilemma that they had experienced during their clinical practice. The results were as follows. The ethical dilemmas identified fell into four categories and were of 27 types. Those most frequently experienced (...)
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  26.  17
    The Mediating Effect of Physical Function Decline on the Association Between Social Activity and Cognitive Function in Middle and Older Korean Adults: Analyzing Ten Years of Data Through Multivariate Latent Growth Modeling.Sung Man Bae - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    PurposeThis study aimed to examine the long-term association between social activity, physical function decline and cognitive function, as well as verify the long-term mediating effect of physical function decline on the relationship between social activity and cognitive function.MethodsData from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging that was collected over 10 years was analyzed. The sample included 10,240 adults aged 45–93 years. Multivariate latent growth modeling was applied to verify the long-term effect of social activity and physical function on cognitive function.ResultsThe (...)
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  27.  21
    Constructing Gender Perspective on Women’s Vulnerability to Disaster in Asia.Huh Ra Keum - 2012 - Environmental Philosophy 13:65-90.
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    Craft Industrialization and Women's Empowerment in Asian Developing Countries.Huh Ra Keum - 2011 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 15 (null):67-93.
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    Ethics of Shame, Its Practical Implications.Huh Ra Keum - 2016 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 26 (null):205-229.
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    Compositional dependence of the deformation behaviour of ultrahigh-purity Ti–Al alloys.Sung G. Pyo ¶, Jin Keun Oh, M. S. Yoo, Nack J. Kim & M. Yamaguchi - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (28):3001-3017.
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    Max Weber.Sung Ho Kim - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  32. Die Wirklichkeit des Menschen: ein Vergleich zwischen einer immanent- und einer transzendent-religiösen Anthropologie.Joon Huh - 2004 - Bochum: J. Huh.
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    Historical Overview of Framing Ideology and Collective Action in American Environmentalism.Changdeog Huh & Sarah Heyer - 2007 - Environmental Philosophy 6:249-269.
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    The Conflicting Views of the Opposing Sides: Movement Frames and Counter Frames in Gunpo Anti-Incinerator Movement.Changdeog Huh - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 15:91-115.
  35.  10
    Materialities of digital disease control in Taiwan during COVID-19.Sung-Yueh Perng - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, a wide range of digital technologies and data analytics have been incorporated into pandemic response models globally, in the hope of better detecting, tracking, monitoring and containing outbreaks. This increased digital involvement in disease control has offered the prospect of heightened effectiveness in all of the above, but not without raising other concerns. This paper contributes to ongoing discussions of the digital transformation in disease control by proposing a materialist analysis of how such (...)
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  36.  9
    Teachers’ Evolving Knowledge Base for Teaching Sustainable Development in the Geography Classroom.Sojung Huh & Injeong Jo - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    With the increasing importance of teaching sustainable development (SD) in cultivating knowledgeable and responsible citizens who actively contribute to the environment, economy, and society, there is a pressing need for expertise within the teaching profession, particularly among social studies educators. This research aims to explore the professional knowledge, skills, and wisdom of social studies teachers in effectively integrating SD into the current geography curriculum. Seven high school geography teachers participated in this multiple case study, revealing the distinct knowledge base components (...)
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  37.  23
    An Unusual, Intermediate-Sized Lesion Affecting Motor Organization in a Patient With Schizencephaly: A Case Report.Sung-Woon Baik, Gi-Wook Kim, Myoung-Hwan Ko, Jeoung-Hwan Seo, Yu-Hui Won & Sung-Hee Park - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  38.  18
    The Kantian Legacy in Bonhoeffer’s Theology - Focusing on the Concept of ‘Other’ in Dietrich Bonhoeffer"s Ethics -.Suk-hun Huh - 2024 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 169:415-444.
    본 연구는 본회퍼의 ‘타자와 더불어 사는 삶’이라는 기독교 윤리를 칸트의 초월 철학으로부터 해명해야 한다고 주장한다. 본회퍼는 칸트의 초월 철학의 본래 의도를 주체의 인식 행위와 타자의 존재 사이의 변증법적인 관계에 있음을 주목하였다. 이에 본 연구는 본회퍼가 칸트의 초월 철학을 신학적 언어로 재해석하여 타자를 주체로 동일시하지 않으면서 동시에 주체를 타자로 환원시키지 않는 탈 관념론적 신학을 추구하였으며, 주체와 타자의 상호 독립성과 연결성을 변증법적으로 공존시키는 데 성공했음을 해명한다. 이 연구는 주체를 배제하지 않는 타자 윤리가 주체를 통한 변화와 타자의 권리를 동시에 요구하는 오늘날의 윤리적 상황에서 (...)
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    A Network of Argumentation Schemes and Critical Questions.Sung-Jun Pyon & Yong-Sok Ri - 2022 - Informal Logic 42 (4):787-833.
    In this paper, we devise a network that consists of argumentation schemes and critical questions that participants in debates can use to easily construct arguments that attack or support former arguments. As a prototype, we build a potential network of argumentation schemes and critical questions with a practical reasoning scheme at its center. The usefulness of a NASCQ in constructing and reconstructing complex arguments and in formal argumentation is also explored along with argumentation more broadly.
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  40.  28
    Developing an Idea of Educational Justice Based on J. Rawls’ Theory of Juctice.Byung-kee Huh - 2014 - The Journal of Moral Education 26 (3):191.
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  41. Using learning support to provide opportunities for task engagement.Keun Huh & Joy Egbert - 2024 - In Joy Egbert & Priya Panday-Shukla, Task engagement across disciplines: research and practical strategies to increase student achievement. New York: Routledge.
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  42. Jen pen ssu hsiang ti nei han chi chʻi chia chih.Sung-po Tu - 1978
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    Kierkegaard on becoming and being a Christian: the relation of Christianity to the ethical sphere of existence in the thought of Soeren Kierkegaard.Sŭng-gu Yi - 2004 - Zoetermeer, The Netherlands: Meinema.
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    A Debate of Fan-Jin(范鎭) and Sima-Guang(司馬光) about Le(樂) and Lu(律).Joo Yong-Sung - 2018 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 56:119-149.
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    The symbols of Yi king.Z. D. Sung - 1934 - New York,: Paragon Book Reprint. Edited by Herbert Chatley.
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    What does - Sama mean? On the uniform ending of the names of the jāti -s in the nyāyasūtra.Sung Yong Kang - 2009 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 37 (1):75-96.
    All individual terms listed as jāti-s (sophisticated ripostes) in Nyāyasūtra V a 1 have the peculiar uniform ending -sama. The interpretation of this ending here reveals a greater nuance of meaning than the hitherto customary understanding of it. It will be demonstrated that the observable semantic difference is due to a historical shift of signification as a result of an enlarging and systematizing of the thematic group of jāti-s. In this paper, I examine relevant text material, including two very important (...)
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    The Early Confucian Worry about Yuan.Winnie Sung - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (2):257-271.
    This article focuses on a psychological phenomenon discussed by the early Confucian: yuan 怨, which is often translated as “resentment”, “grievance”, “lament”, or “complaint”. I attempt to use the early Confucian discussions of yuan to shed light on an aspect of human psychology, namely, when one laments about certain conditions that obtain in such a way that she sees as beyond her control and negatively affects her. This is an unusual reactive attitude because one who has yuan takes the “passive (...)
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  48. Time Bias and Altruism.Leora Urim Sung - forthcoming - Mind:fzae045.
    We are typically near-future biased, prioritising our present and near-future interests over our own distant-future interests. This bias can be directed at others as well, prioritising their present and near-future interests over their distant-future interests. I here argue that, given these biases, and given a plausible limit on the extent to which we can permissibly prioritise our present interests over the present interests of strangers, we are morally required to prioritise the present interests of strangers over our distant-future interests. I (...)
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  49. Lao Tzu's conception of evil.Sung-peng Hsu - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (3):301-316.
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    Theory of the Self-Awareness of Consciousness and Three Characteristics in the Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra.Sung-Doo Ahn - 2018 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 52:5-47.
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